Monday, July 22, 2013

Casting your Cares

As I sit to write about how God shows up in my life, every day it seems, I often find it easier to share the big things. But honestly, He “winks” every day if I only open my eyes and heart to see and hear Him.
I think of the movie “Facing the Giants” where the father says, “We will praise Him whether we win or lose.” This statement holds so much in it about how my disposition should be toward God and how He shows up in my life. Will I thank Him no matter what? At times, He seems so slow in answering, but His timing is perfect. At times, I wonder why I feel distant from Him, yet He is ever so close. At times, I wonder whether that was His voice, only to realize He is always with me.  I only need to listen; the answer may not be what I thought, but it is never-the-less Him.

As I pondered this week, I remembered not only the “Facing the Giants” quote but also the Mount of Transfiguration story. At the top a mountain, three disciples see Jesus, Moses, and Abraham in all their glory. The disciples wanted to stay on the mountain, but the people and the work of the Lord waited in the valley. Was Jesus there on the mountain, absolutely!  He was also with them in the valley!  So, God winks in a story of His own.  “Yes, Joni, I am there on the mountain top where you can’t miss me in all my glory, but I am also with you in the valley when things seem hard; Cast your burdens and anxieties on me! I am able to carry them. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

My prayer to Him:  "Thank You Lord, You are with me on the mountain top moments of life as well as the valleys. Thank You for the birds that chirp outside my window on a morning when You seemed distant as I spent time with You. But, I admit the heaviness of my heart creates the distance. I am concerned about parenting two beautiful boys, the uncertainties of all that goes into helping my in-laws as they move back to our town, and the inevitable job transitions ahead…  It all seems overwhelming at times.  But I do not carry this burden alone. I can give it to You!  I cast my concerns of parenting to You and my in-laws care. I trust You to work in our boy's heart's in ways beyond our control and help us raise them to be godly men! I trust You to give me each day what I need.  You are faithful! There is peace in Your presence alone as I surrender my control and worry to You."

God winks every day to me, but this week I saw Him in the chirping of a bird, the sunrise, the smile of a friend,  the perfect timing of affirmation from a friend regarding my parenting, and the provision of a job for my husband!   

by Joni Ormsbee

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