Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kittens tell a story: God winks

The Kittens at Play

I Peter 5:8 was one of my scriptures in Bible Study this morning.  

As I’m reading from the Amplified Bible, I’m writing my paraphrase in my journal – “Be well balanced. My adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion (Nero use to feed Christians to the lions) seeking someone with chinks in their armor (I studied Ephesians 6 last week) to consume.”  

As I finish writing this sentence, I hear what sounds like a knock at my front door.   I open the door to see my two cats chasing a chipmunk…and you guessed it – they devoured it.   It was not the first chipmunk and it will not be the last chipmunk.

The fact that God provided me a visual of the scripture in my daily reading is amazing.

By Tina Wagner

Thursday, March 13, 2014

God Winks: Caring Friends

Caring Friends
“A friend loveth at all times… Proverbs17:17 (KJV)

We sat in the surgical waiting room watching the minutes slowly turn into hours. Would the surgery ever end?

The night before my Mom hadn’t felt well. I didn’t think much of it, since she had good and bad days as a rheumatoid arthritic. My call to her after we arrived at our lake cabin set off alarms as she described her symptoms. I knew we needed to go home in the morning.

The five-hour trip, which usually passed quickly with a good book or tatting project, seemed interminable. Finally we pulled into our underground parking space.

Bypassing the elevator, I ran up the stairs to our condo. One look at Mom, and I knew she needed immediate medical intervention. I called her doctor’s office to tell them we were heading for the emergency room.

X-rays showed adhesions from a previous surgery resulted in a bowel obstruction. She was scheduled for emergency surgery and wheeled into the operating room several hours later.

By then, it was early evening, and my husband and I sat alone in the waiting room. Weary from our trip home, bored with the old magazines and unable to concentrate on the book I’d brought, I tried to sleep. Instead, my mind wandered. What if she dies? As the last of my immediate family and best friend, I couldn’t imagine life without her.

Evidently I dozed, because I awoke with a startel when I heard footsteps. Thinking it was the doctor, I stood up and stretched, trying to wake up. When I looked at the doorway, I saw a couple, dear friends for many years. Someone had called to ask them to pray for Mom. After they prayed, they headed to the hospital.

They greeted us and asked for an update. Then they sat down intending to stay until the surgery was over. We continued to visit and share memories until the doctor came out an hour later, telling us all was well. The surgery had been successful.

We rejoiced in the good news and thanked God for sparing Mom. Obviously, she still had work to do.

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for loving, caring friends who are there for us, especially during crisis times. They bring Your peace and comfort when we can’t think clearly enough to claim them for ourselves. Please remind us to do that for others in their times of need. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

Thought: How often have we sensed the Spirit prompting us to do something and ignored it? How many blessings have we and others missed by our lack of follow through? Next time we sense the Spirit leading us to do something, let’s respond immediately.

By Joyce Heiser

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My Four Leaf Clover: God Winks

My father once said that "Luck was where opportunity met preparation!"  Although, I don't believe in luck alone, I enjoy four leaf clovers!  And, I do believe that in our preparations and commitment to excellence in all God asks of us, God blesses. 

The story I am about to share is no exception.  A young lady is blessed and encouraged through God whispering (winking) in my heart to share a document in our study of inner beauty one night.  Read on and may you know that God winks in the little details of your life as well.

I have started sharing outer and inner beauty tips at my Mary Kay training/workshop nights.  My mentors through Women's Empowerment University ( along with a business coach have played a huge part in my journey to a new brand.  They have infused belief in me and the confidence to live out the woman God wants me to be.

Last Tuesday night, our group met for the second time. Two young ladies returned for the second study on inner beauty. The first hour we do outer beauty with training in our Mary Kay products and fun glamour techniques. The night is "Dazzle Outer and Inner Beauty!"

As I prayed the last few days as to how approach our next topic brought up the last time by one of the girls; Appearance - does God allow us to wear nice clothes and jewelry, is it ok? I kept thinking of this affirmation sheet that I have on security, acceptance and significance in Christ. It was clear, it was to go alongside our study. I didn't quite know why or how it was all going to work together, but knew I was supposed to use it. I studied, prayed and prepared.  God winks and I listened not knowing exactly why I was nudged.

As we shared our thoughts, I had them look at Prov 31:10-31 and ask God to show them what He thought. The young lady that asked the question initially came and had been writing in her journal and meditating on this scripture.

God winks by showing me a scripture for this young lady.  It was a "four leaf clover" for her so to speak, a special find just for her.   I knew Psalm 1:1-3 was for her.  God would bless her because she truly meditated on His Word.

The next thing was what blew my mind, but why should it?! God showed up!! I shared the sheet of affirmations in the areas stated above. As we shared our final thoughts, one of the girls got tears in her eyes and said this was exactly what she needed. It was where she was at. I told her how I had prayed over the study and the night and that God would not let me get that sheet out of my mind. I was supposed to share it. NOW, I knew why. It was for her!!! LOVE God using me. It is a home in my heart that I cannot put words too.  God winks by using me to encourage someone else!  Wow!!

Dorothy form Wizard of Oz comes to mind, "There's no place like home, There's no place like home!" I agree sharing His word and watching Him orchestrate people's lives to touch one lovely, young woman's heart, is a beautiful home!!  
There is no place like home!

I pray I never run away from home.  God winks in preparation and shows up to bless again!!  

By Joni Ormsbee