Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quotes: God winks through leadership quotes?

1)  UNIQUE:  "Be the best YOU, you can be."  - Heidi Goelzer
Psalm 139:13-14  "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
I am unique!!  No comparison needed.  I can be successful being the best version of me.
I remember when I was younger realizing, in probably what was another "God wink" at the time, that if I spent time trying to be someone else, then no one was being ME!  I was robbing the world of God's unique gift in me.
2)  DREAM :  "Become a vision master not a task master." - Heidi Goelzer
Reminding people of their dreams and not "the do" list. 
My dreams fuel the passion behind the doing!  I needed to remember my dreams.  Too often we stop dreaming!   When I remember my dream, it makes the work worth it!
3)  SERVE:  "If we never help someone else do better than we have done, then we will never be further in our success than we are today."  Sean Key
It isn't about me!!  Leading is about others.  It is ok to help someone to a position beyond your own.  That was an incredibly freeing to me.  As I serve others and help them get what they desire, I am successful!
4)  EXCELLENCE:  "We aren't serving anyone by living in mediocrity."  - Dawn Dunn
I heard it said another way too, "Someone else's dream is attached to yours."  WOW!  If I don't live in excellence - the calling on my own life, the unique message He puts on my heart, than others are affected.
In and of myself, I am not capable to be all that God has called me to be.  However, in HIM, I can be all that He desires me to be. 
Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
Joy comes in fulfilling YOUR path in this world.  Doing it with excellence, glorifies Him!   You glorify HIM because you live out the creation of you! 
5)  "Confidence comes in the doing."  - Emotion follows action.  Be faithful and consistent.

More quotes to consider:


What could you do this week ?

  • Rediscover YOUR dream.  Get quiet somewhere, close your eyes, and remember your passion.
  • Serve someone else this week.  How might you do that in your business, family, neighborhood, church?
  • Do the "and then some" and mark your work with excellence.
  • Do one thing you have been putting off....Action creates the confidence.

What will be your WIN this week?  Celebrate your win!


                                                                                                                By Joni Ormsbee

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