Monday, September 9, 2013

Job Searching Summer

The excitement from submitting the final paper, graduating from college, and getting a diploma quickly fades with the daunting task of searching for a full-time job. My four months of summer have consisted of several hours per week scouring the web and filling out repetitive and lengthy job applications with little to no response. Despite the fact that I have learned more about myself professionally, the experience has not been my favorite. It can feel like a shot in the dark when I don't have the right connections.

It may help if I explain what I want to do with my degree. I chose a Comprehensive Communications major so that I could pursue a career in event planning. My passion is to positively impact others in a dynamic environment where I can use my organizational skills and still have the opportunity to interact with people. Unfortunately, this type of job tends to be very broad which confused my job title search a bit. I found that there also aren't many event coordinator positions available that didn't require several years of experience. At first, there wasn't much financial pressure which gave me the opportunity to solely apply for my "dream" job. The mood quickly shifted when my college loans kicked into repayment mode this July. Not desperate but following financial responsibilities, I ended up accepting a minimum wage, part-time retail sales associate position (if you know me, I'm NOT interested in sales) located five minutes from our little condo. It would count for something while I continued to search for my "dream" job. 

Two weeks before I had even began training for this sales associate job (start date was set for September 9th, today!), I thanked God and began to pray intentionally for Him to lead me in my "dream" job search. I prayed that if God has a perfect job out there for me that it would happen before I started my little part-time sales job (I would feel horrible leaving a company after only a short time). On a Tuesday morning, I began my normal e-mail purging routine and came across a LinkedIn job listings e-mail. Although I didn't see any intriguing job titles, I still clicked the linked and began to briefly browse. An opening for a Front Desk Receptionist at a golf club caught my eye and I immediately felt a butterfly of excitement. Strangely there wasn't any indication on how to apply for this job, so I called the listed phone number, but there was no answer. Since I wanted to act quickly, I thought I might as well send my resume to their info email address which usually gets glossed over but it was worth a try. Just as I was about to click send, I re-dialed the golf club to leave a message on their voice-mail about my resume e-mail. I was delighted that the receptionist picked up! She gave me the name and e-mail address of the manager who would be hiring for the position. Only a couple hours later, I received phone call about scheduling an interview which was set up for the next day.

Literally EVERYTHING about this job was what I wanted in regards to a first full-time job using my degree to work towards my "dream" job of event coordinator. Of course, I was very excited and very nervous for this interview. Driving up, I was in awe of the beauty of this golf club building and grounds. I prayed in my car that the interview would flow casually and be comfortable enough that I could just be myself, and that is exactly what happened. After talking with me, they offered me the job on the spot saying that I was the only candidate who had followed-up with them over the phone. They thought that I would be a great fit. And I agree! 

After four months of searching on my own terms, God handed me a special and perfect job in just TWO DAYS! It is so wonderful when our Father reminds us of the power of prayer. He is so sovereign in controlling our lives. He continues to show me that my natural impulse to plan my life should be rooted in trusting Him in all things. And so, God winks...

by Katie Sue Hill

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