Monday, June 24, 2013

Count it all Joy

My mum is one of my best friends. God has given us a unique and incredible relationship from the very start that has given us such a strong bond. Especially during my high school years, she was the one that was always there for me. So, when her and my dad brought us all into the living room one night during my sophomore year to tell us that she had been diagnosed with cancer, I felt like my world came crashing down. To me, cancer was a death sentence. All I could think about was how I would be able to live my life without my mum there, and I couldn’t imagine it.

My parents were quick to explain that they had caught the cancer early, but there would be radiation, possibly chemo, and of course, no one can tell you for sure that everything will be all right. In the midst of my devastation, I watched my parents closely. There was no anger on their faces. They were not bitter, upset, or sad. I could not understand how they could sit there, telling us everything was going to be OK, and that we needed to choose to thank God in this situation, instead of cursing Him. They were truly ‘considering it all joy’ to face this trial, and I couldn’t wrap my mind around it (James 1:2).

I continued to watch in amazement as my mum seized every opportunity that this cancer gave her to talk to people about Jesus. Whether it was at the hospital, going through radiation treatments, or talking to our friends, I never once saw her angry, confused or upset. Her and my dad had taken time to determine in their minds and hearts that God had a purpose for this, and they were going to trust Him through all of it.

This past week we celebrated my mum’s 8th year of being cancer-free. It is a true miracle to be able to say that, and it brings me to tears just thinking about it. God winked in our lives in a huge way, and I will always be thankful. But even more than that, it’s amazing to look back on that time and see how God used my mum in the lives of so many people that wouldn’t have been possible without her diagnosis. I’m thankful that her and my dad chose to see His purpose through that trial, and showed everyone around them just how great our God is.

by Chloe Lukasiewicz

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